Andrew Baranauskas
Stevie Black
Greg Cook
Shannon Gemma
Geoff Hargadon
Natalie Lanese
Diana Lisanto
Rachel Loischild
Meg Lynch
Mike Lynch
Paul Pauper
Zoe Perry-Wood
Valerie Rafferty
Phil Sadewicz
Joana Stillwell
Reagen Troutman
Mike Vance
Shelton Walker
Elizabeth Woodward
Juried by Rachelle Beaudoin
Ice Cream Reception
Thursday, November 1, 6 - 9 pm
Milk and Cookies
Thursday, December 6th, 6 - 8 pm
In 2010, a 20 foot tall fiberglass Santa Claus statue was stolen from the Coffee Caboose in West Ossipee, New Hampshire. In order to find their missing Santa, the owners of the Coffee Caboose parked a truck in their Route 16 adjacent parking lot with a plea for help painted on the side: “$1000 Reward for the Arrest, Conviction and Return of The 20 Foot Santa Claus”. The truck has since become part of local folklore, with everyone having their own opinions about exactly what happened to the Santa.
17 Cox has launched an “investi-bition” in response to the missing Santa. Part investigation, part exhibition, the gallery sent out a call for works made in response to the missing saint. Thirty percent of all sales go to towards a gift of a new Santa Claus for the Coffee Caboose. 17 Cox staff has been scouring the New England countryside looking for clues and additional information. If you have any information about the missing Santa, please reach out!
$1000 Reward for the 20 Foot Santa Claus, installation view